Sometimes kids say the darnedest things…

And they end up as comments in my spam folder. Or sometimes something shows up that is such an epic mindfuck I cannot help but share, so here goes, courtesy of the Wonderful World Of Spam:

And if they wanted to get 1, how they could obtain and personal it. At this time, I might possibly feel an remarkable content of my monster beats headphones. This sort of the monster beats headphones would assist you to develop to be a fantastic helper in your everyday life and is going to be fabulous for your individual communication.. When making the investment into monster headphone usage, you will need to recognize certain specialized features that ought to be offered out of one’s expense. For any lot of, by far the most essential attribute to recognize with this distinct monster headphone investment is noticed making use of the improvement linked with high quality of sound. When attemping to make investments within the opportunity of sound good quality, one particular will find out locations to appear towards so as to acquire maximum final results.. This can be a popular form in America and this militia aims to substance New Royalty vogue pulse towards the international consumer, although maintaining its nasal requirements of capability, dimension and state. No concern guys or females, all fill can get eligible designs. The supernatural high-quality of this firewood is unmatched. Nonetheless make certain that whenever you are picking a headphone it must be 50 mm with a proficient bass sound. Low grade phones make ineffective and undesirable music good quality, suppose you turn on the volume the bass generate unsatisfactory music. Relating to over the head earphones there’s a band between the two ear pieces for your comfort. The CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN , like other skilled sports leagues, has licensing rights for any merchandise bearing logos and names of its teams. Le chaussures Louboutin comme les autres ligues de sport professionnel, a des droits de licences pour les logos et les noms de marchandises portant de ses quipes. The agreements cover everything imaginable – from suits and ball caps to pens, bumper stickers, even mouse pads.. He transitioned in 1 night and in no way looked back. I cannot imagine placing a toddler (who’s not even 3 feet tall) within a twin and him not getting lost in all that twin bedding throughout the evening. And I’d significantly rather potty train on a crib mattress. A few of these headsets give digital transmissions that have the same excellent and resolution as a compact disc can deliver. The soft leather in the cups as well as the aesthetically created headbands make sure that the whole set is stunning and not merely the caliber of acoustics that is definitely transmitted inside the membrane in for the ear. They’re also incredibly comfortable letting you listen to anything it is advisable to pay focus to without the need of troubling other folks.

And not to be outdone, that is followed by

anyway, i can see if my sister has the recipe and check out just how much tweaking it would demand and also give it a test run, for anybody who is interested. crazy, huh? tonight i produced the ones from joy of vegan baking, but i not sure if i sold. they decent, but they quite crisp and not quite what i was hunting for. Surroundings are as well noisy, we have to have their own “quiet” space. Let us use the music off, the days fatigue and trouble. basketball Dream Team complete, without exception, on the headset crazy obsession. Monster beats headphones are engineered to make the most genuine music expertise.

They may be optimized to provide outstanding sonic detail and clarity.

They’re created to provide deep, potent bass punch. And in New York, San Francisco arts patrons Frances and co- chaired a fall gala for with

4 other couples. As these within the know know, this really is an artist’s celebration, an “art happening,” where guests run into dealers, artists, gallery owners and collectors. “It’s in regards to the individuals,” said Frances. No longer relegated to black-tie galas, stilettos are creating their strategy to the corner office. “I really feel more effective wearing them,” says Claire Gruppo, president and co-founder of Gruppo, Levey, and Firm, a brand new York boutique investment bank. “The notion will be to make a statement, but so subtly that nobody knows what has hit them.”. For amercial operation weblog to seem to be regarded as a incw knowledged inside the inside web search engine marketing and advertising poke furthermore to look out upon tip, a web page has to,Christian Louboutin Straratata 140 Glitter Sandals, specifically, be “prepared” to appear to become begin in addition to well-received having a poke powerplant algorithm. supplied that with the tall quantity of browsers observation engines just like yahoo and google moreover to Yahoo,Christian Louboutin Dorepi one hundred Leopard-Print Pumps, a producer new schedule of schedule wasbined to christian louboutin footwear one hundred % reap the benefits of on the pros in addition to acquire divided from the cons of the algorithms employed with a poke enginepanies. This schedule of credentials is alleged poke powerplant enhancement( Search engine marketing)..

Actually, this tends to mask what you’re taking note of. The high numbers of low end cover up several unique sounds, as well as just entire instruments, which may well be part of a taking. The following causes the audio to be muddy and garbled along.. Last Contact. Neiman Marcus has also come up with an outlet retailer aptly known as Neiman Marcus Final Contact Clearance Center. Right here, you can select from a wide array of items from women’s apparel, footwear and jewelries down to dwelling accessories which have been previously sold in shops, catalogs and web site at a discount of 30%-65% off on original rates.

All hail ‘anonymous’!!! Eleventy!!!111!!11!

Headline competition

A snippit of a Twitter conversation, with slight explanations. No animals were injured in the making of this post; we may have a disappointed badger however…

Chubby Checker Sues HP Over Penis Size App

Posted by majestic on February 15, 2013

WIKI CHUBBY CHECKER 2Some men might be flattered if a penis size app was named after them, but not Chubby Checker, reports WebOS Nation:

Attorney Willie Gary of Stuart, Florida, has filed a federal lawsuit in the United States District Court, Florida’s Southern District, against HP and Palm on behalf of performer Ernest Evans over the Silicon Valley firms’ hosting of an app titled “The Chubby Checker” hosted in the webOS App Catalog. The app, a play on the stage name of Mr. Evans – Chubby Checker, was created by developer Magic Apps, was designed as a calculator for estimating the penis size of a man given the input of his shoe size.

The app was downloaded 84 times before being removed from the App Catalog in September of 2012 and no longer available in the store on device or in the App Catalog web listings. “Chubby Checker” is held as a trademark by the Ernest Evans Corporation. The lawsuit claims that HP and Palm’s “use of the name ‘Chubby Checker’ in its app is likely to associate platiff’s marks with the obscene, sexual connotation and images,” and that Evans has “received no compensation for the unauthorized use of the Chubby Checker name and trademark”.

Additionally, the lawyers allege that customers that have looked at or purchases The Chubby Checker app “are being misled into believing that the plaintiffs have endorsed the defendant’s app.” Up to its removal, The Chubby Checker had clocked fewer than 100 downloads. The lawsuit is demanding that HP and Palm cease sales of the app bearing the trademark of or similarity to Chubby Checker and triple damages of the profits HP derived from sales of the app. When listed, The Chubby Checker retailed for $0.99; with sales of no more than a hundred copies and the 30% cut taken by Palm and HP from the App Catalog, damages could total upwards of $90.00…

Body Search In Arboretum Reveals Big Beaver

Published Aug 28, 2010, 12:00pm

A search for a body near the arboretum this afternoon ended after police found comedy gold floating in Lake Washington.

Sometime between 2:00pm and 3:00pm, someone called 911 and reported that a body was floating amongst the lily pads in Lake Washington, on the northeast side of the arboretum.

Patrols officers and the harbor unit responded to the scene, closed off the park, and found the “body.”

It took officers a little while to reach the floating “body” but when they did, SPD spokesman Mark Jamieson says they discovered the “body” was actually a “large, dead, decaying beaver.”

In other news, has anyone seen Courtney Love lately?

Gordon Ramsay’s Porn Dwarf Double Eaten by Badger

U.K. tabloid Sunday Sportrecently introduced the world to Percy Foster, a 35-year-old dwarf porn star whose career was just beginning to catch fire. It was all because an observant production assistant on the set of Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, It’s Up Your Arse We Go had noticed how much Foster looked like celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. But just as Foster was set to join the rarefied ranks of celebrity lookalike dwarf porn stars, tragedy struck: The body of the 3′ 6″ performer has been discovered in a badger’s den, partially eaten.

According to Sunday Sport‘s follow-up account, Foster was found “deep in an underground chamber by Ministry of Agriculture experts ahead of a planned badger-gassing programme near Tregaron, west Wales.” They write that “expert CSI teams had to use fingertip technology to remove his body from the six-foot-deep burrow.” (I have no idea what fingertip technology is, but I imagine it’s akin to one of those claw cranes you find in arcades and drugstores.)

Officials have not yet ruled out suicide, and adult film producer Dexter Yamunkeh’s comments — in which he intimates that Foster may have cracked under the pressures of being the world’s leading Gordon Ramsay-lookalike-sex-dwarf — certainly don’t invalidate the possibility:

“Percy was a little guy with big problems. He was doing well but he was under pressure, 24/7, like everyone in this goddamned business.”

It’s more than a little curious that the internet, aka God’s porn dumping grounds, contains not a single reference to either Percy or Dexter prior to these two news items. But that’s just the cynic in me talking. So tonight, we pour out a little (and I do mean little) gin in memory of poor Percy. We may never get to see his work in Midget MasterChef: Assbasters 7, but his memory will live on all the same.

I stand (or, after reading that last article, sit) in awe of the power of the internet.

Snow. Feh.

To all you down’easters, sorry ’bout that…

snow door

I spent Thanksgiving in Cleveland in the early Eighties, and we woke up to a front door like this. Had to climb out the window to shovel the snow to OPEN. The. FRICKIN’. DOOR. Haven’t been north of the Tennessee line since, a record I am disinclined to break.

pic via Ace

Jeez, what could have possibly happened?

News from Iran:

Mystery Surrounds Fordow Blast

Jerusalem, Jan 27. – Media reports Sunday suggest a damaging explosion at Iran’s top-secret Fordow nuclear development site took place last week, leaving as many as 190 workers dead.

Following the blast, the main road from Qom to Tehran was closed for several hours, the German newspaperDie Welt reported. If the reports are to be believed, the explosion was perhaps the most serious blow against the Iranian nuclear program to date.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented Sunday as the world marked international Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Iranians were continuing both to deny the Holocaust and pursue their goal of destroying the Jewish state. “They are not halting their unceasing and methodical race to obtain atomic weapons for the purpose of realizing this goal. We are not taking these threats lightly.”


Paging Mossad to the white courtesy phone, please…

via Ace

A Football Fantasy

Suppose that, instead of the traditional blimp circling the stadium providing aerial views of the football game, instead you had a Predator drone prowling above. Broadcasters could marvel at the quality and detail of the pictures, and discount the fact that the picture contained a crosshair. “Why, you can count the fillings of their teeth!”

For halftime, small Toyota pickup trucks, called ‘technicals’ the world over, would be brought out on the field to serve as targets for the Predator. For authenticity actors dressed as terrorists would be riding in the trucks carrying AK-47s. We could then demonstrate the swiftness and accuracy of the strikes.

Any craters that could not be leveled by the end of halftime would serve as natural hazards a la golf for the second half of the game.

What could go wrong?

N.B. In cities with particularly rowdy fans such as Philadelphia and Oakland the Predators could serve as crowd control.

Gawd love the Brits

It appears that not everyone is totally enamored with the creeping socialism afflicting Great Britain, and resistance against it can take some, er, charming forms. First, a little background from S. Weasel:

The Brits are a contradictory lot. In some ways, privacy obsessed. In others, right up in each others’ bidness.

Take the Planning Notice. If you want to make changes to your property, you have to file an application. That info then goes into the local paper, and on a printed notice, which is stuck up on a light pole or something near the scene of the proposed change. And then your neighbors can complain about it and try to get it blocked, if they like.

It’s more intrusive than building permits in the States. You see Planning Notices for things like replacing a broken gate or changing the sign over a shop. And the process applies to rural areas, too. I’m not entirely agin’ it — a lot of the charm of this charming place we live depends on keeping things just exactly the way they are forever — but it does make my libertarian bone itch.

So a right creative fella decides to have a bit of fun with it-

(click to embiggen)

More of his efforts are documented here. Passive resistance at its best.

Bad tactical decisions, part XXXIII

You know, there are some things a normal human with a decent self-preservation instinct just doesn’t do- poke a nest of pit vipers with a stick, confront a man with a gun when you have none, or mess with a bunch of bikers while they’re partying. Apparently this group didn’t get that memo:

Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) – Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers “duct taped inside fast food restaurant dumpsters,” according to police officials.

“Something just went wrong,” said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. “Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong.”The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activists, “growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats,” decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event “in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats.”

Things did not go well for them.

“They peed on me!!!” charged one activist. “They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me ‘La Trene’ and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!”

Still others claimed they were forced to eat hamburgers and hot dogs under duress. Those who resisted were allegedly held down while several bikers “farted on their heads.”

The bikers, however, claimed there was no conflict-

“That’s preposterous,”said one high-ranking member of the biker organizing committee. “We were having a party, and these people showed up and were very rude to us. They threw things at us, called us names, and tried to ruin the entire event. So, what did we do? We invited them to the party!

What could be more friendly than that? You know, just because we are all members of motorcycle clubs does not mean we do not care about inclusiveness.”

As to the alleged ‘mistreatment’-

When confronted with the allegations of force-feeding the activist’s meat, using them as ad hoc latrines, leaving them incapacitated in fast food restaurant dumpsters, and ‘farting on their heads,’ the organizer declined to comment in detail. “That’s just our secret hand shake,” assured the organizer.

We report- you decide.

via Adam Baldwin (@adamsbaldwin) on Twitter