Burge on the Midwest Crisis

Things are getting frightening in flyover country

A thousand miles south of Wisconsin’s sprawling Holstein pastures, Josh Davidson peers between the drawn drapes of his Plano, Texas apartment, looking for signs of suspicious green-clad strangers. It is his third day at the address, but he is already scanning the classified ads for his next residence. For this 37-year old, staying ahead of Packer radicals has become a full time job.

In November, Davidson — a self-described diehard Dallas Cowboys fan — made a fateful decision that would alter his life and whose reverberations are currently shaking the foundations of two societies.
“The Appleby’s in Frisco has two big screens, and I liked going there Sunday for the Cowboy games,” Davidson explained. “But one weekend there was this annoying bunch of Wisconsin immigrant idiots with foam rubber cheese wedge hats, screaming for the Packers on the other screen.”

In response, Davidson drew four provocative cartoons of revered Packer coach Vince Lombardi, and distributed Xeroxed copies to his co-workers at VHT Technologies in Plano. What he didn’t know is that one of co-workers was an alumnus of Marquette, and the cartoons would soon be circulated throughout the Packer world.

The response would be immediate and visceral.

This is a crisis that calls for cooler heads to prevail- Roger Goodell, where are you?

All I know is that my beloved Saints must venture into the chilly confines of the Frozen Tundra next Sunday- and waiting for them will be (especially after Monday’s debacle) thousands of pissed-off Packer Fans and and a football team with jihad on its mind. Tragedy could ensue…

Make My Day

OK, I’m dumb. I totally didn’t pick up on it last night- even cringed a little and felt sorry for the old man kinda making a fool of himself on national television. Oh, how wrong I was. Watching again this morning I realized that Clint Eastwood delivered the most devastating sucker-punch yet to the fatuous Hegelian nanny-staters that currently reside at 1600 Pennsylvania.

[jwplayer mediaid=”324″]

Channeling Jimmy Stewart ha-ha! From Belmont Club:

It was an old man’s delivery, but overstatedly so for effect. It was a cutting delivery and for that reason delivered in low key. But for all of  Clint Eastwood’s rhetorical cleverness at the Republican Convention, the speech derived its effectiveness precisely because it wasn’t one of those “I take this platform tonight with pen in hand, bearing in mind the immortal words of Clancy M. Duckworth” type orations. It wasn’t the speech of someone who was running for office.

There was no malice in it. Just a tone of regret. But it was redolent of memory too. Of simple things a world away from the Mountaintop, of sentiments a light-year from dramatic arcs, and of ordinary happiness in a universe apart from grand bargains and high-flown rhetorical visions.  They were truths that  everyone who has ever worked knows but has somehow forgotten because they were so ordinary.

-a few of the better comments-

Yes that was an old man speaking. It was a free old man telling the President without malice, without fear or favour, “Mr President, you did not do your job and it’s time for you to go.”

Walt Kowalski indeed. His zingers were delivered with a deftness that was awesome. People are used to soaring rhetoric or loud declarations at political conventions. His contrasting conversational tone was like a whisper after bombast — it drew you in and made you listen.

Key lines: “We own America” “The politicians work for us; they are our employees.” “When they don’t do the job it’s ok to let ‘em go.” He was speaking to every other Walt Kowalski listening. You are not a racist if you vote against Obama, you are simply letting an employee go who didn’t do a good job.

Bravo! Tour de force!!!

This proves that Clint’s gambit was utterly successful and devastating. President Thin Skin just revealed a tell. Clint masterfully deployed Alinsky Rule #5 (RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.) The GOP must keep hammering at this chink in his armor relentlessly. Keep it funny and self-deprecating like Clint did, and you will also fulfill Rule 6 (RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.). That’s why Breitbart was the ultimate happy warrior. He lived and breathed this stuff.

EDIT: It was bothering me because I felt like I had seen this style somewhere before, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It just smacked me in the brain. This was Clint’s version of the drunken master from the old kung fu movies. No wonder I got such enjoyment out of it!

empty chair = empty suit

I have to admit that, for the first time, I honestly have some hope for a change this November. Go ahead- make my day!

My Kirby, It Sucks

Anyone who ever toiled in the “Blowin’n’Sucking Business” as I did, or even just owned a vacuum cleaner, should relate to Gerard VanDerLeun’s recent missive- To Vacuum the Vacuum Use the Vacuum. A taste:

Then there’s “The Kirby” weighing in are over twenty pounds of solid chromed steel, titanium bristles that can skin a black rhino, and a woven cloth bag wrapped around the vacuum bag that could be made into an outdoor area rug. The motor in this bad boy is so powerful it can suck kittens out of my basement through the floorboards in the living room. It is the chopped Harley Hog of vacuums.

RTWT of course 🙂 From the comments,

It appears your vacuum abhors nature, Gerard.

Alright, everybody laugh!

Enough gloom and doom! If you’re not smiling at the end of this I want to check you for a pulse…

[jwplayer mediaid=”297″]

The scary thing is that I can name almost every single movie in those clips- a head full of useless information I have here.

via Ann


Just when I thought it might be safe to return to my home state,

A lab tech at Georgia Health Sciences University may have engaged in too much monkey business.Officials jailed Coley Mitchell, 32, on August 13 after he was discovered intoxicated with his pants down in a campus locker room.

In the same room: two lab monkeys who had been let out of their cages, the Augusta Chronicle reported.

Mitchell smelled of alcohol,

Well, duhhh!

according to police reports, and became belligerent and combative when asked to leave the room.

Dang, apparently I missed all the fun…

via James Taranto