Any minute now

This is like waiting on your date on prom night (for us guys)-

Mebbe Izzy will, mebbe Izzy won’t. Later today might tell the tale, but there’s just as good a chance he will get to the middle of the Gulf this afternoon and just sit there thinking. Looks good for us right now but kind of sucky for Nawlins. Waiting, waiting…

This can’t be good

Brendan Loy has a disturbing post up-

In a bizarrely low-key press conference that seemed more focused on calming residents’ “anxiety” and vaguely telling them to “be prepared” (and then making of a series of mundane announcements about municipal matters like trash collection and parking restrictions) than on advising them to take specific, concrete steps commensurate to the risk of a possibly major hurricane potentially making a direct hit on America’s most hurricane-vulnerable city starting in about 48 hours, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu did his best Ray Nagin impression Sunday, announcing a no-evacuation, “shelter in place” plan that suggests a stunning level of confidence that a worst-case scenario won’t happen, at a time when it remains, meteorologically speaking, very much in play.

The possibility that residents would be “sheltering in place” in a “place” the could, in the worst-case scenario, be swallowed up by the Gulf of Mexico, was not mentioned.

Maybe it would be better if the dang thing did hit Mississippi- at least poor Nawlins wouldn’t drown so much. So Much being the operative phrase- being to the left of a blow is much worse than on the right.

We’re All Gonna Die!

…not really. But it should get a little exciting around here for a while.

I’m going to blog it as much as I can- I’m sure at one point I’ll find out how well I can blog from my phone. Woohoo!

Actually a Cat 2 is not that big a deal, a messy PITA but not much more than that- and from my experience during Katrina the folks in Alabama and Mississippi are remarkably able to jump in and clean up afterwards quite quickly. So no worries here.

Sorry for the lax posting the last couple of days- my PC decided to make my life more interesting and had a hard-drive take a dump. Fixed now, so back in business.

So bring yo’ bad self on Izzy!