Christmas snow

Sometimes I see pictures like this and think, “Man, how cool would it be to live there to see that? “


Then I go lay down until the feeling passes, and remember this is where I live…

Snowing in Minnesota, 70 degrees here. Decisions, decisions…

Winter pic via Lileks

Gawd love the Brits

It appears that not everyone is totally enamored with the creeping socialism afflicting Great Britain, and resistance against it can take some, er, charming forms. First, a little background from S. Weasel:

The Brits are a contradictory lot. In some ways, privacy obsessed. In others, right up in each others’ bidness.

Take the Planning Notice. If you want to make changes to your property, you have to file an application. That info then goes into the local paper, and on a printed notice, which is stuck up on a light pole or something near the scene of the proposed change. And then your neighbors can complain about it and try to get it blocked, if they like.

It’s more intrusive than building permits in the States. You see Planning Notices for things like replacing a broken gate or changing the sign over a shop. And the process applies to rural areas, too. I’m not entirely agin’ it — a lot of the charm of this charming place we live depends on keeping things just exactly the way they are forever — but it does make my libertarian bone itch.

So a right creative fella decides to have a bit of fun with it-

(click to embiggen)

More of his efforts are documented here. Passive resistance at its best.