We’re All Gonna Die!

Just when you thought you had enough to worry about…

Massive Sunspot Rapidly Forming

giant sunspot that’s at least six times the diameter of Earth has formed on the sun in less than 48 hours, according to NASA.

According to a news release, scientists from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory watched the sunspot rapidly grow on February 19 and 20. The agency says it could even be larger than six times the diameter of Earth “since the spot lies on a sphere not a flat disk.”


Carrington Event, anyone?

The last, best hope for humanity…

A nifty article on space warfare linked by Instapundit, in which my old favorite Babylon 5 gets some props. Though dated, that show had some of the best science-fiction writing ever featured on television. Though it was a a struggle (I’m sure my kids remember me trying to track down episodes when it only came on at 3AM on the Atlanta UPN station) I’m glad J. Michael Straczyniski got to tell his five-year story in full.

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(click pic for slideshow)

July 20, 1969 20:18 UTC

I was 16, fully a child of the America of the Sixties and all that entailed, but, as a lifelong fan of science-fiction, I was completely transfixed by this.

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At the time, I thought that within my lifetime I’d see colonies on the moon and Mars, and an ever-more-ambitious space program taking us further and further towards the stars. In some ways, that came to be, and I live daily with wonders both near and far that I could not have imagined in that long-ago place and time. I don’t think that we have somehow “failed” as a nation for not fulfilling all those dreams, but I do regret that it turned out to be so much further from our reach than it seemed then. Dammit, where’s my flying car?

Then I look around me at the technology and ease we take so much for granted, and think back to Isaac Newton:

If I have seen further it is by standing on ye sholders of Giants.

Those men- those three men- Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins- were giants standing on the shoulders of giants. Because of them,we see further even today.

Oddly enough, I look at this… video (it’s still a ‘film’ in my 20th-century molded mind)- and I still hope for the future. What wonders will my children see, and their children beyond them? The journey’s just begun!