Don Kenn Mortenson Week at TechnoChitlins

Don Kenn Mortenson (also known as Donn Kenn) draws pictures on Post-Its. Not just any pictures, but macabre visions out of nightmares; the dreams you had as a kid when you knew there were monsters under the bed…

Though he has books of his work out on Amazon, and seems to be fairly successful, there’s not a lot of information about him on the web. On the header to his website he describes his work thus-

Born in Denmark 1978. I write and direct television shows for kids. I have a set of twins and not much time for anything. But when i have time I draw monsterdrawings on sticky notes… It is a little window into a different world, made on office supplies.

Without further ado…

Just because it’s cool- view full-screen!

Things that make you go “hmmm…”



I don’t know how many of you were fans of the scifi show Stargate SG-1, but doesn’t Obama have an uncanny resemblance to Apophis from the show? Most times I see Preznit 3-Putt I keep waiting for his eyes to glow or that Egyptian headdress to pop up.

Just sayin’.

Maybe he dresses up that way on Hallowe’en.