Snark’o’the’day (so far)

“Quit whining, beyotches”* says Hilary, who of course didn’t direct her remarks to the latest whiner Anne-Marie Slaughter.

“I can’t stand whining,” Clinton told Marie Claire. “I can’t stand the kind of paralysis that some people fall into because they’re not happy with the choices they’ve made. You live in a time when there are endless choices. … Money certainly helps, and having that kind of financial privilege goes a long way, but you don’t even have to have money for it. But you have to work on yourself. … Do something!”

Clinton added, “Some women are not comfortable working at the pace and intensity you have to work at in these jobs. … Other women don’t break a sweat. …They have four or five, six kids. They’re highly organized, they have very supportive networks.”

My, the Hildebeast’s getting testy in her matronlyness…

Lea Goldman, director of features and special projects at Marie Claire, clarified in a statement that the “whining” comment wasn’t targeted at “that whiny beyotch”* Slaughter.

‘Course not.

*Some comments may have been modified to remove obfuscation and conform to my worldview. I’m not sorry.


Suspended Between Light

Some writers are like fine wine, and are meant to be savored slowly and with maximum attentiveness. Sometimes, Gerard van der Leun is one of those.

The roots of my miracle go back many years and begin, as so many things do these days, online in a long correspondence that became, in time, a deep and abiding friendship and love. Part of that friendship entailed that, although we lived in separate towns, we spent some parts of each year visiting. In this particular autumn she was visiting me. And on this particular day she had — for obscure reasons — postponed her regular daily walk and, upon return, postponed her regular post-walk shower. This meant that during the time she would normally be either out of the house or under running water she just happened standing nearby when my heart stopped. The result was that she started the 911 response within seconds after I stopped breathing. Because of this the three units dispatched to help me came within minutes and returned me to life and transported me to the hospital where I spent the next 13 days suspended between a light and a light.

Like the taste? The whole bottle is here.

Hildebeast taking a fall?

Nope. No way , Nuh-uh.

Drew M. over at Ace’s place puts it quite succinctly:

Mitt’s been running a campaign based on his leadership and Obama’s unwillingness and inability to lead. The second most popular (maybe the most popular) Democrat in the country, who happens to be Obama’s own Secretary of State, just co-signed that charge by stepping into the vacuum Obama’s cowardice created.

What Hillary has done is hand Mitt a baseball bat, turned him in the direction of the giant Obama pinata on stage tonight and said, “Have at buddy. Maybe I’ll see you in four years”.

Ah, the schadenfreude!

Some of us knew in ’08

R. Emmett Tyrell, 9/25/08

According to this variation of the Taranto Principle, the media circulate infamies that encourage leftists to confect greater infamies, thus causing the defamed candidate to cop the sympathy vote. That vote will have consequences in this increasingly bizarre election.
Meanwhile the press continues to treat the inexperienced and gaffe-prone Senator Barack Obama as though he is the next JFK. Among the howlers is the presumption that he is an orator of great gifts as JFK was an orator of great gifts. In truth, the Prophet Obama suffers one of the strangest oratorical disabilities I have ever seen in a presidential candidate, to wit: his dependence on the teleprompter. We know of politicians who depend on the teleprompter for fluency. Senator Obama, however, relies on a teleprompter so that he will not be heard talking down to the electorate. If he is not lecturing with his nose in the air he is all uhhs and ahhs. Perhaps if he had served as mayor in a small town he would have gotten over this revealing disorder.

“How did this happen?”, indeed. Heh™.

via Best of the Web

Biden last night- UPDATE it gets better

Stolen shamelessly from Fox News

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All Biden’s laughter, encapsulated:

Bonus points if you make it through the whole thing 🙂

This is nice-

A ringing, and touching, endorsement of Romney from a transplanted Aussie.

To start with, there’s the matter of his faith. To Australians, Mormonism is one of those funny not-quite-a-cult things that Americans produce in ridiculous numbers. Before anyone gets up in arms — Australians hold this same opinion of most of the Baptist churches, practically all the mega-churches, 100% of televangelism, and a good chunk of the traditionally “black” churches. For most Aussies, if it doesn’t fall into the buckets of Catholic, Anglican (aka Episcopalian), or Uniting (formed by a merger of Methodist and Presbyterian), it doesn’t really count as Christian.

Anyone who gets up and talks about how their faith says they should do this or that is an automatic target for ridicule in Australia, because it’s invariably either a holier-than-thou thing or a way to browbeat everyone else into doing what they want. The Aussie view leans much more towards “the actions make the person.”

And Mr. Romney simply doesn’t talk about his faith. He just gets on and does things. As far as I can tell — not being Mormon and not knowing much about the faith — he simply does his best to follow the principles espoused without making a fuss about it. It’s just … something he does.

Pretty much how I feel about the man myself. Perfect? No. Incorruptible? Probably a lot more so than most of us. Strong? Yeah, I think there’s plenty of evidence of that. Right all the time? Oh hells no.

Just compare and contrast to what we have now.

I fully expect the man to be hated and reviled within a year of taking office, simply because I believe he is able to make the hard decisions that are going to have to be made, and take the heat for them. It could well be he is just old-fashionedly honorable enough (remember that word?) to do the right thing and let the devil take the hindmost. With any luck, we’ll see.

via Glenn