You have to be a special kind of crazy to look back at the past four years and say, "damn, I want four more years of that!"
— Jon Gabriel (@exjon) October 31, 2012
Keep it Classy, Joe
The Sounds Of Cylons
Disney buys LucasArts; World to End Tomorrow
BREAKING NEWS: Disney buys LucasFilm, "The Imperial March" now replaced with "It's a Small World."
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 30, 2012
Boba Fett and Princess Leia as teens: Two people from different worlds forget their differences and fall in love. Music by Elton John.
— my heart's the bitter buffalo (@inthefade) October 30, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: Iron Man 4 just announced; will chronicle Tony Stark's final transformation into Darth Vader.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 30, 2012
BREAKING NEWS: In future Blu-Ray releases of Episode 1, Jar-Jar to be replaced by Goofy.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 30, 2012
CORRECTION: My sources tell me it's actually "Indiana Jones and the Labyrinth of the Dark Crystal." Please note this for your files.
— John Scalzi (@scalzi) October 30, 2012
UPDATE: No, I’m not joking
“Savagely self-correcting”
BuzzFeed isn’t normally my cup of tea, but this article caught my eye –
There was no shark in Brigantine and certainly no beached seal in Manhattan. The NYSE trading floor did not flood, and the 10 or more Con Edison workers trapped at a damaged plant turned out not to exist. These rumors were briefly and embarrassingly juxtaposed in users’ Twitter timelines with real and often devastating stories about lives and property that had been destroyed, people in need of help, and a city’s infrastructure buckling under the weight of a historic storm.
But more important, perhaps, we already know they’re false.
Twitter’s capacity to spread false information is more than cancelled out by its savage self-correction. In response to thousands of retweets of erroneous Weather Channel and CNN reports that the New York Stock Exchange had been flooded with “three feet” of water, Twitter users, some reporters and many not, were relentless: Photos of the outside of the building, flood-free, were posted. Knowledgeable parties weighed in.
Twitter may end up being the most accurate news source available- especially since the MSM has apparently totally abdicated any responsibility beyond being a left-wing cheerleader and meme-perpetrator. Just be sure to apply the 24- and sometimes 48- hour rule to anything that isn’t immediately verified (and cheer-leading “me too” responses don’t count)- pictures or video or it didn’t happen.
As always, though, YMMV.
Behind the scenes
Sandy in pictures
I scoured these from Twitter’n’other places- all rights reserved to those who took them, natch.
[EasyGallery id=’sandy2012′]
(click for gallery)
Looks like NY just had their very own Katrina.
Sometimes out of horrible events
Small bits of laughter occur…
I WOULD HAVE EXPECTED MORE BACKUP GENERATORS: Eerie Photo of Darkened Manhattan Skyline. I mean, the University of Tennessee College of Law has a big honking Caterpillar generator. Which makes sense, because the one thing you don’t want in a crisis is an interruption in legal education.
Heh. Indeed.
Still can’t wrap my mind around it
Mammatus clouds over NY
Your Sunday LOL
Petraeus: You don’t have a big enough bus…
Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. ”
(Emphasis mine)
No one… in the CIA.
Hmm. Who would be in a position to order the stand-down, who’s not in the CIA?
It would have to be someone very high ranking in the chain of command, obviously.
Not military — I don’t think the military can order the CIA.
So, someone high ranking who is not military and also not in the CIA, but who gives orders to the CIA.
I give up. I can’t solve this mystery.
Can you?
Would be funny if not so sad- our people died because the Lightbringer froze. All you folks from 2008- are you proud now?