Listen to it all, folks-
“Toothless, squirrel-eatin’, reactionary homophobes” [giggles]
“Here we have a couple of … atheist science types. How do these two things fit together?”
“You’re thinking of Fox News, which does all those things” [giggle giggle]
“We were initially surprised, but thought it was the next best thing to do, and Fox knew that” [knowing nods all around]
What a vast sense of entitlement and superiority these people have. How kind of them to come down from their high places a bestow upon us the benefit of their superior intellects. I cannot wait, as a toothless Southron mouth-breather, to bask in the reflected glory of their all-encompassing knowledge. Surely my life will never be the same afterwards.
Or not.
Because I have no intention of watching.
I had been looking forward to this show for years. I watched the old Cosmos with Carl Sagan and could not wait for the next installment to come out. Not so with this- they have already told me they consider a vast swath of their audience to be ignorant assholes who should probably be grateful they condescended to share a bit of their inestimable glory with them.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson- fuck you and the horse you rode in on. If there is any justice in the world this show will be a massive failure and reflect poorly on you for the rest of your miserable life.
Disappointing but I can’t say I’m surprised. The stereotypes of rural whites is one of the few that can still be hauled out and thrown around with complete impunity by our “betters”. Particularly as a way of signaling higher class status and simultaneously denigrating opposing viewpoints on social and political issues.
This, despite our ruling elite’s abysmal track record at accomplishing anything of enduring beneficial accomplishment. Any objective criticism of them is immediately deflected with accusations of racism and the like, because the delicate theoretical constructs that these “betters” depend upon aren’t generally robust enough to withstand anything other than self-congratulations and back-patting.
My hope is to live long enough to see these smug bastards get their full comeuppance when this fragile civil society self-destructs around them and they find themselves totally incapable of running or repairing the machinery themselves. I hope that the survival rate among the ruler-elites is significantly lower than it is out here in flyover country among the “squirrel eaters”.