Kevin D. Williamson of NRO has a slightly hilarious take on the predicament a married lesbian couple find themselves in- they placed an order for a baby and it turned out, in their minds, to be, well, deficient–
While one must pity the poor little girl who is being treated like a defective Honda Civic, it’s a delicious clash of progressive pieties. The mother — and somehow I suspect that I’ll be informed five minutes from now that it is wicked to call the half of the couple who carried the child and gave birth the “mother” — Jennifer Cramblett, among other things complains that it is difficult to find a place to get her daughter a decent haircut. It should be a hoot watching her make that case in court. I’m a white, conservative guy from Texas, and even I know better than to go skipping merrily into the cultural minefield that is black women’s hair, a subject that calls to mind my favorite cowboy proverb: “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”
Poor little girl- ordered like a steak at a restaurant and doomed to always know how disappointed her “parents” were with her. The narcissism and self-regard on display here are breathtaking. Yes, it’s a wonderful world you folks are building.
There will be a reckoning, in this life or the next.