Better put than I could


I found this comment about the Oscars on Ann Althouse’s blog, from a fellow with the moniker Laslo-

Whatever you do, do not question the stars’ Christianity.

Repeated from the end of an earlier post:

There are already so many different Christian sects and groups, but it is evidently time to recognize a new one: the Democratic Church of the Rhetorical Christ.

This church welcomes all that know that Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They understand that Jesus is OK with abortion, or any other cause they hold dear, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They understand that Jesus is casual with his Biblical teachings, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They do not need to understand about the Pharisees, for example, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They do not need to worry about hypocrisy, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They can be atheist without contradiction. They understand that Jesus is figurative — but, if he WAS ‘real’, Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

Tithing is OK with someone else’s money. This is because Jesus would want them to be believe exactly what they believe.

Open arms.

I am Laslo.

This seems to be the belief system of most of my contemporaries. Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed my non-watching of the Oscars, it was the best non-watching of the Oscars I’ve done in many years. That said- is that a creepy picture or what?

2 Replies to “Better put than I could”

  1. Oh there was more creepiness…Lego song was awesome. And then…like watching a train wreck with no one riding the the train…

  2. Jeezum, (underneath the dye and makeup) he’s old enough to be her grandfather. Too bad she didn’t turn and knee him in the ‘nads. THAT would be a vine to watch…

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