This is what they think of you, folks- in their own words

Listen to it all, folks-

“Toothless, squirrel-eatin’, reactionary homophobes” [giggles]

“Here we have a couple of … atheist science types. How do these two things fit together?”

“You’re thinking of Fox News, which does all those things” [giggle giggle]

“We were initially surprised, but thought it was the next best thing to do, and Fox knew that” [knowing nods all around]

What a vast sense of entitlement and superiority these people have. How kind of them to come down from their high places a bestow upon us the benefit of their superior intellects. I cannot wait, as a toothless Southron mouth-breather, to bask in the reflected glory of their all-encompassing knowledge. Surely my life will never be the same afterwards.

Or not.

Because I have no intention of watching.


I had been looking forward to this show for years. I watched the old Cosmos with Carl Sagan and could not wait for the next installment to come out. Not so with this- they have already told me they consider a vast swath of their audience to be ignorant assholes who should probably be grateful they condescended to share a bit of their inestimable glory with them.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson- fuck you and the horse you rode in on. If there is any justice in the world this show will be a massive failure and reflect poorly on you for the rest of your miserable life.

On the run


After seeing the weather in my former abode in metro Atlanta, I’m reminded that, in fact, I was born in New Jersey and the weather from there appears to be looking for me. Hah! Much further south now, buckaroo, and the Gulf has my back…

Gulf Shores 2

Civilization isn’t guaranteed


Vox Day: Societies are seldom wiped out by conquest, at least, not until they have been sufficiently enervated by their own failure of confidence in their foundational principles. Western civilization cannot survive either the abandonment of Christianity or the importation of non-European peoples. The geography will remain, but neither the culture nor the values will survive. Just as we wonder at how the Romans declined, future generations will read about us and marvel at how the most powerful civilization in human history murdered its children and welcomed their replacements with open arms.


Why I don’t post all that much any more.


From the commentariat at The Belmont Club, specifically someone with the nom de plume no mo uro:

The philosophizing and the social agenda are interesting, but they are the ultimate goal, not primary one in the present. The goal and not the means. We lose sight of that at our peril.

Hillary’s inevitability has more to do with the 47% Romney accurately described than anything else.

99% of the people in this country who get their income from a government source – public sector workers, welfare recipients, ag subsidy recipients, grant recipients, attorneys (most of whom are de facto public employees or rent-seekers) and rent-seeking “private” businesses – are going to vote for whichever candidate will have the lowest likelihood of cutting off or even diminishing their income stream. Period. Do not kid yourselves that anyone who works for the government, no matter how conservative their lifestyle is privately, will do anything but vote for the most fiscally irresponsible candidate under ANY conditions. All Hillary, all ANY candidate has to do, is project the image that not one single government expenditure will be cut in any way and they will win any election at the national level.

In a down economy, fear of losing the magic government check trumps everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. It is the real explanation for 2012. More than conservatives staying home. More than election fraud.

You can point out that this dynamic has been growing for a while, and perhaps so. But the real cause for concern is an ugly new twist. The left has become very aware of this new found permanent voting propensity. They have awoken to its power. They will exploit it to the max. We really, truly have reached the point where if Hillary set fire to a bunch of third graders on national TV pretty much everyone who gets a government check would vote for her against anyone from the center/right anyways. And everyone in the entertainment industry would either claim it didn’t happen or blame Republicans.

If she told the public work force, people in subsidized industries like education, and welfare recipients, “I’m planning to round up every serious Christian, conservative and orthodox jew, gun owner, and person we can prove advocates for limited government, confiscate their property, and send them to concentration camps and kill them – but your magic checks will never be interrupted”, 99% of those people would vote for her with a smile on their face and joy in their hearts.

If you believe otherwise, you are a terrible, terrible fool. Russians and Germans – people who had similar attitudes towards the size and power of government and were more educated, more informed, and more enlightened than today’s left living in America and the LIV’s who have profited by a bloated government – cheered on as their governments committed terrible atrocities, as long as their own situations remained comfortable. What, precisely, is different this time, such that we can be confident history will not repeat itself?

Emphasis mine. Down-vote away folks, hit that dislike button- I realize many who read these words will reflexively do so, for to do otherwise would be to admit just how corrupt they have become. Enjoy the decline!

Me, I’m just going to stand back and let it, and most of you, burn.

We have become willfully blind

So willfully blind we cannot see the terrorists among us…

Bomb-makers in Minneapolis

A big explosion occurs next door to a mosque that has an unabashed affection for the Muslim Brotherhood, in a Somali neighborhood where terrorists are known to hang out — what could possibly be amiss with that? Nothing, except possibly an Islamophobic hate crime, according to CAIR.

The explosion was subsequently blamed on a gas leak, which is interesting because the Star Tribune has been caught lying about its conversation with the gas company responsible.

Throw in the fact that Homeland Security was spotted on the scene and it points to the probability that the police and media are covering up the explosion of a Somali bomb-making factory in Minneapolis.

Nothing to see here folks, move along. And when the Mall of America goes up in flames, we’ll wonder how on earth that could have happened.

via Vox Popoli