Better put than I could


I found this comment about the Oscars on Ann Althouse’s blog, from a fellow with the moniker Laslo-

Whatever you do, do not question the stars’ Christianity.

Repeated from the end of an earlier post:

There are already so many different Christian sects and groups, but it is evidently time to recognize a new one: the Democratic Church of the Rhetorical Christ.

This church welcomes all that know that Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They understand that Jesus is OK with abortion, or any other cause they hold dear, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They understand that Jesus is casual with his Biblical teachings, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They do not need to understand about the Pharisees, for example, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They do not need to worry about hypocrisy, because Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

They can be atheist without contradiction. They understand that Jesus is figurative — but, if he WAS ‘real’, Jesus would want them to be doing exactly what they are doing.

Tithing is OK with someone else’s money. This is because Jesus would want them to be believe exactly what they believe.

Open arms.

I am Laslo.

This seems to be the belief system of most of my contemporaries. Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed my non-watching of the Oscars, it was the best non-watching of the Oscars I’ve done in many years. That said- is that a creepy picture or what?

Transcendental Procrastination

Back in the Seventies, I used to have a riff I would bounce off folk, about how my abiding philosophy of life was expressed by the term “Transcendental Procrastination“.. Basically this said that if you put a problem off long enough, it would solve itself and required no action on my part. Funny, huh? Riffing off the Moonies and such.

Now our government is operating under something called “Strategic Patience“. Seems like my old silly stoner philosophy is now the official policy of our State Department. Guess I was ahead of my time, huh?

Surely our betters in DC aren’t TOTAL idiots, are they?

Are they?

A thoughtful and insightful post

– from Ace of Spades. I know, I know. Stay with me, though.

We have had three generations now with a rallying cry of “tear down the old, bring on the new!”. Open Blogger asks the not-so-obvious question, “and replace it with what?”.

When I see, from the entire left side of the political spectrum, more and more strident demands to end Western culture as we know it, I wonder if these people have any clue exactly what it is that they are asking for. King Midas got exactly what he wanted, to his everlasting horror. There’s a lesson in that, an important one, but one that I suspect is lost on someone who navigates through life by the seat of their righteousness, guided by the certainty of their conceit.

We have an entire segment of the population…..the race baiters, the SJWs, the various flavors of communists, anarchists, socialists and anarco-whatevers, feminists, gay rights crusaders, activists of every stripe…..all of who remind me of nothing so much as the proverbial fish who is ignorant of the water in which he is swimming. Like that same fish attempting to drill a hole in the bottom of his tank to “escape”, I don’t think that getting the results they claim to desire would be to their benefit at all.

But let’s keep drilling!

The first leg of the three legged stool that supports Western civilization came from the Jews, and it’s monotheism. The idea of one God as opposed to many different gods begats the concept of absolute right and wrong, which is necessary in order to have the concept of morality. Morality is what takes humans away from a world where might makes right.

The second leg came from the Greeks and Romans, and that’s the idea that the world has certain natural laws, that these laws are universal, and that they can be studied and understood and even manipulated. From this comes science, of course, but a better term for this would be reason.

Finally, from the Anglo-Saxons we got the concept of rule of law. Just as there are universal natural laws that govern nature, so too must man’s laws for governing man must be universal. Nobody is above the law, thus everyone is treated equally. Equality is the third leg.

Note- equality of treatment, not outcome. You still have to make your own way in the world. Or that’s how it used to be…

As I always say, RTWT.

It’s going to be sad and funny when these folk are the first to be shuffled off to the new Gulags. We’ll get to revel in the expressions on their faces- because we’ll be shufflin’ right along with them.

Diddling the kids

I was all set to post an angry, thundering screed on the pedophilia scandal that is sweeping through England and seems to have some echoes among our own “honored leaders” here, but I just can’t. I’ve run out of outrage, I’ve run out of anger, and I feel that the few who read my words wouldn’t listen anyway.

On the scandal itself, and where it could lead, Vox Day. He’s a better writer than I, so I just point and say ‘what he said’.

On the ongoing collapse of our civilization, John C. Wright. An even better writer and a Christian. Again, ‘what he said’.

Me? I’m just tired and discouraged. I intend to play out my string and be grateful for the things that are still left to me. Possessions? Meh, not so much.

Love? I am more awash in it than I have ever been, and I thank God for that mercy.

Life During Wartime

This picture speaks to me on so many levels. It’s a kind of capsule of 21st century American life.
I’m happy I’m not a cop in New York City.
I’m happy I’m a happily married old fart who doesn’t have to deal with the shrieking harridans that pass for womenfolk these days.
I’m sad for the state of my country this Christmas 2014. It was a good run while it lasted.