News Flash!

News flash: National guard units in Massachusetts seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw.

Speaking after the clash, Massachusetts Governor Thomas Gage declared that the extremist faction, which was made up of local citizens, has links to the radical right-wing tax protest movement. Gage blamed the extremists for recent incidents of vandalism directed against internal revenue offices. The governor, who described the group’s organizers as “criminals,” issued an executive order authorizing the summary arrest of any individual who has interfered with the government’s efforts to secure law and order. The military raid on the extremist arsenal followed wide-spread refusal by the local citizenry to turn over recently outlawed assault weapons.

Gage issued a ban on military-style assault weapons and ammunition earlier in the week. This decision followed a meeting in early this month between government and military leaders at which the governor authorized the forcible confiscation of illegal arms.

One government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, pointed out that “none of these people would have been killed had the extremists obeyed the law and turned over their weapons voluntarily.” Government troops initially succeeded in confiscating a large supply of outlawed weapons and ammunition. However, troops attempting to seize arms and ammunition in Lexington met with resistance from heavily-armed extremists who had been tipped off regarding the government’s plans. During a tense standoff in Lexington ‘s town park, National Guard Colonel Francis Smith, commander of the government operation, ordered the armed group to surrender and return to their homes. The impasse was broken by a single shot, which was reportedly fired by one of the right-wing extremists. Eight civilians were killed in the ensuing exchange

Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Before order could be restored, armed citizens from surrounding areas had descended upon the guard units. Colonel Smith, finding his forces overmatched by the armed mob, ordered a retreat.

Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops. Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and John Hancock, who have been identified as “ringleaders” of the extremist faction, remain at large.

And this, people, is how the American Revolution began.

April 20, 1775

via Mehibatel33 at the Belmont Club

A reminder

Cloud over WH

Lest we forget:

[uber_audio id=”10″ accent_color=”#ed2828″ second_color=”#cccccc” playlist=”5″ ui=”light” width=”225px”]

Remixed for your listening pleasure…

Meekness of the mob

“Government has become ungovernable; that is, it cannot leave off governing. Law has become lawless; that is, it cannot see where laws should stop. The chief feature of our time is the meekness of the mob and the madness of the government.” G. K. Chesterton

via Gerard

Other voices

…presented without comment.

Lem said…
We kill our very own, in the womb, over a whole host of reasons, one of which, I believe, includes economic insecurities.In the midst of that, we turn around and open the border to welcome more and more takers, to give them things we are mortgaging future generations to pay for.It’s crazy stupid. You know… there is some crazy shit that’s harmless. This is crazy harmful.

edutcher said…
Icepick said…edutcher, the two best numbers for talking about the state of the current economy are these:We’re still two MILLION jobs short of where we were in December of 2007.

We’re still FOUR million FULL TIME jobs short of where we were in December of 2007.

Both those numbers courtesy of the BLS, if one cares to dig a little. And I believe those numbers are cooked, as well, to make the current thugs in office look better than they are

Ice, I think a lot of things are being cooked these days. I can appreciate what it must have been like in Dusseldorf around 1937.

But every once in a while, the truth slips out.

This was his real rating before sandy, and probably was after. At this point, they can’t lie too hard or they’ll be found out.


I do not hear discussion about whether we need none, little, some, or a lot of immigration, and if we do, what type of immigration we should seek. Do we need millions more of semi and unskilled people from Mexico and other poor countries? Absent widespread elimination or reduction in minimum wage, taxation, public assistance, and zoning laws, how will these people contribute to the economic growth of our country? This is not nineteenth century America with small factories and workshops on every street corner, and belching smokestack industries eager for cheap workers. This is the America of EPA regulations, OSHA bureaucrats, job killing minimum wage and health insurance laws, outsourcing, and of a growing ethos that sees single parents living on the public dole as an honorable existence. It is also the America of multiculturalism whereby immigrants are encouraged never to become Americans.

The rubbish being put out by Obama and others on the taxes that these new immigrants will pay is just that rubbish. They will draw public assistance and not pay taxes. What impact will this continuing flood of poor migrants have on the job and advancement prospects of struggling poor and middle class black, white and brown Americans? I haven’t heard much said about that, but I predict it won’t be good.

Is our immigration law going to continue based on the idea of family reunification? Will adults be able to petititon for their adult sublings and those siblings families? Will we continue to ignore promises that the new immigrants will not become a public assistance burden? If so, we are in for an endless cascade of new immigrants petitioning for their relatives and on and on and on. Yes, sure, technically we will have solved the “illegal alien” problem by making them all legal. Is that what is best for our country, I stress for our country not for the Democratic party?

Bob Owens:

There were forty-seven shot and seven killed in Chicago over the weekend. This occurred in  the heartland of America, in a city in which boasts of the strictness of its gun laws.

This is greater carnage that the low-grade war still being waged across Iraq between government forces and various insurgent groups.

This is comparable to our losses in the entire Afghan war zone over the same time period.

This is comparable to the dead and injured in continued fighting between factions in Libya.

This comparable to Turkey’s riots which have garnered international condemnation.

This is only slightly less than the casualties of the Syrian Civil War.

Despite the bodies filling the morgue and screaming wounded filling emergency rooms, progressives insist this third-world conflict in Cook County is a model of how strict gun control makes citizens safer.

Tell us another lie. This one isn’t working.


TENNESSEE WAS ONE OF THE LAST STATES TO PUT PHOTOS ON DRIVER’S LICENSES, and people who objected were called paranoid. But now: State photo-ID databases become troves for police. “The faces of more than 120 million people are in searchable photo databases that state officials assembled to prevent driver’s-license fraud but that increasingly are used by police to identify suspects, accomplices and even innocent bystanders in a wide range of criminal investigations. The facial databases have grown rapidly in recent years and generally operate with few legal safeguards beyond the requirement that searches are conducted for ‘law enforcement purposes.’”

Nope. No comment. None needed.

A bitter truth

Those who are looking for a smoking gun that will finally, once and for all, prove The Preznit is ultimately culpable for the misbehavior of his subordinates are doomed to be disappointed. As Limbaugh said, mentioning the American Thinker Article, there is not nor will there be a smoking gun to link Obama to any of the current scandals.

From Ace of Spades:

So all Obama has to do is publicly castigate and demonize his those who oppose his policies (which he has done many times), and thugs like Eric Holder and Lois Lerner swing into action. No need for anyone to tell them what to do. They know what pleases Obama, and they will use the means at their disposal to carry out his wishes, to wit: to suppress and neutralize his enemies. Conservatives get on Obama for being a crappy leader, but that’s not completely accurate. This is leadership. It’s leadership, Chicago-style.

The lack of direct documentary evidence linking Hitler to genocide is interesting and if he had been captured alive, I’m not sure how the Nuremberg prosecutors would have built a case against him. Especially if he had pulled an Obama, thrown Himmler and Goering under the bus and piously claimed that the first time he had heard of the whole death camp thing was when he had read about them in the papers.


It’s at the point that a wholesale housecleaning is needed- not just in the elected ranks, which, face it, is easy enough to do if enough people get motivated. The bigger housecleaning is going to be among the ranks of the civil servants- those who look on government work as a career in and of itself and not a temporary, mildly distasteful duty. Those are the ranks that have a vested interest in a government that grows ever bigger. Those are the people who are 90% aligned with the progressive movement. Until a solution is found for them, nothing will ever really change.

Perhaps a rail, tar, and feathers (some assembly required) for the most egregious of them is what’s needed- Pour encourager les autres.

“Not a Serf or Vassal”

Speak it, sister!

via Miz Ann

From her commentariat:

What in effect we have as of right now base on this IRS testimony is a shakedown protection racket mob style, with Don Urkel at its head and the rest of the families that make up the cabinet. That’s what the federal government has now become, the mob, the mafia, and yet, I don’t see a single one of them that work within it coming up against any RICO statutes. But then again, why would they impugn their own. That’s like grading your own final. Hey, guess what,m I got a 100%. I’m awesome. Not even Sebelius who has admitted as much. You can’t have a mob state and think to yourself that it will go on, in this way much longer. Everyone can see it and they are disgusted by it, well, except for the sycophantic leftist citizenry that thinks giving the big fuck you to republicans and conservatives is what they deserve.

The natives are restless. Can you hear the drums?