My First Time…

Get’cher mind outta the gutter.

My first try at colorizing a black-and-white old photo. Naturally I had to pick one that was very softly focused, had little or no contrast, and I had no clue about most of the colors.

Mom when she was young!!

All in all, it didn’t turn out too badly…



My momma, sometime in the early Forties (I think).

I’ll do better next time. Practice, practice, practice.

You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught

A song from “South Pacific”

You’ve got to be taught

To hate and fear,

You’ve got to be taught
From year to year,
It’s got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff’rent shade,
You’ve got to be carefully taught.

You’ve got to be taught before it’s too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You’ve got to be carefully taught!

I remember seeing South Pacific at the old “Theatre Under The Stars” in Atlanta, long, long ago…

h/t Sarah Hoyt

Fred on Northern Charity and Open-Mindedness

Race riot in he South, 1863. Wikipedia: “Rioters subjected black men to the most brutal violence: torture, hanging, and burning.” Eleven were lynched. The Southern mob depicted here were afraid that if the North won the Civil War, freed slaves would take the jobs of whites.

Harris figure 28

Harris figure 29

A deeply sensitive take on Northerners and race relations.

Virginian though I am, a son of the Shenandoah, and brought up among the lazy rivers of the state of Marse Bob Lee and Stonewall—rivers where the sun always seemed to shine and you could mostly catch catfish, and almost think that being alive was a good thing until further experience intervened—I have to admit the deep vileness in the Southern soul. Yes. It was this that brought forth such scenes as above. I cannot deny that the events portrayed happened in the South.

The south of Manhattan, anyway, the drawing being of the race riots of 1863 in New York, in which Yankee mobs killed 115 or so innocent people, many of them black.

Here was early evidence of the deep regard in which Yankees held black men—and still hold them if you look at actions and not protestations. There is nothing like a damn Yank to tell how good he is, how drowning in the curds and cream of human kindness, without in his actions displaying a trace of it.

But should we be surprised? These were the same blue-coats who exterminated the Indians. “The only good Indian,” said the Yankee general Sherman, “is a dead Indian.” Such charitable musings were not unique to him. It was a Yankee named Custer, if memory serves, who after the war devoted himself in the name of the Yankee government to killing Indians, though with mixed results. Yet another Yankee general, Phil Sheridan, wanted to slaughter the western buffalo to starve the Indians to death. I cannot withold my admiration for Northerners for the consistency of their racial philosophy.

Absolutely vintage snark. If you’re a Southron, read it and laugh. If you’re a Yankee, enjoy the look in the mirror…

Time to water the Tree Of Liberty

Kurt Schlichter writes Liberals May Regret Their New Rules –

When you block all normal means of dissent, whether by ignoring the political will of you opponents or using the media to mock and abuse them, you build up the pressure. In 30+ years as an active conservative, I’ve never heard people so angry, so frustrated, so fed up. These emotions are supposed to be dissipated by normal political processes. But liberals are bottling them up. And they will blow. It’s only a matter of how.

Liberals need to understand the reality that rarely penetrates their bubble. Non-liberal Americans (it’s more than just conservatives who are under the liberal establishment’s heel) are the majority of this country. They hold power in many states and regions in unprecedented majorities. And these attacks focus on what they hold dearest – their religion, their families and their freedom.

What is the end game, liberals? Do you expect these people you despise to just take it? Do you think they’ll just shrug their shoulders and say, “Well, I guess we better comply?” Do you even know any real Americans? Do you think you’ll somehow be able to force them into obedience – for what is government power but force – after someone finally says “Enough?”

Between GamerGate, the Hugos, and the sad case of Memories Pizza, the mask has slipped completely. Now all that remains is for normal folks to reassert control over the gears and wheels of power.

It won’t be easy- these people genuinely believe they were ‘born to the cloth’ and will have to be driven away kicking and screaming. Media, SJW’s, Government elected and hired- ALL OF THEM.

We can do it. We have the power. Anyone who saw the GoFundMe for Memories grow to $834,000 in less than two days can see we have the power.

It is time to exert it, and Devil take the hindmost. Might be fun 🙂

h/t Instapundit