O Brave New World, that has such people in it

Kevin D. Williamson of NRO has a slightly hilarious take on the predicament a married lesbian couple find themselves in- they placed an order for a baby and it turned out, in their minds, to be, well, deficient

While one must pity the poor little girl who is being treated like a defective Honda Civic, it’s a delicious clash of progressive pieties. The mother — and somehow I suspect that I’ll be informed five minutes from now that it is wicked to call the half of the couple who carried the child and gave birth the “mother” — Jennifer Cramblett, among other things complains that it is difficult to find a place to get her daughter a decent haircut. It should be a hoot watching her make that case in court. I’m a white, conservative guy from Texas, and even I know better than to go skipping merrily into the cultural minefield that is black women’s hair, a subject that calls to mind my favorite cowboy proverb: “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”

Poor little girl- ordered like a steak at a restaurant and doomed to always know how disappointed her “parents” were with her. The narcissism and self-regard on display here are breathtaking. Yes, it’s a wonderful world you folks are building.

There will be a reckoning, in this life or the next.

How DARE you encrypt that data?!?


Fred on Everything has some thoughts on Apple, Google, and overweening government power:

I read that Apple and Google have begun encrypting the data of customers so that nobody, including Apple and Google, have plaintext access to it. This of course means “so that the government will not have access to it.” The FBI is terribly upset about this, the first serious resistance against onrushing Orwellianism. God bless Apple and Google. But will they be able to stand up to the feds?

Here is a curious situation indeed. The government has become our enemy, out of control, and we have to depend on computer companies for any safety we may have.

NSA spies on us illegally and in detail, recording telephone conversations, reading email, recording our financial transactions, on and on. TSA makes air travel a nightmare, forcing us to hop about barefoot and confiscating toothpaste. The police kick in our doors at night on no-knock raids and shoot our dogs. In bus stations we are subject to search without probable cause. The feds track us through our cell phones. Laws make it a crime to photograph the police, an out-and-out totalitarian step: Cockroaches do not like light. The feds give police forces across the country weaponry normal to militaries. Whatever the intention, it is the hardware of control of dissent. Think Tian An Men Square in China.

Not to mention that you better not be carrying any amount of cash- the cops will just confiscate it, and good luck getting it back. Like this.

You could do worse than read Fred’s blog– but be prepared to be offended, he pulls no punches and does not suffer fools.

Oh, and you Facebook users? Lookee here!


Sweet vindication

I told you Neil deGrasse Tyson was a fraud…

Why Is Wikipedia Deleting All References To Neil Tyson’s Fabrication?

Religious fanatics have an odd habit of overreacting when people have the audacity to question their fanaticism. In Iraq, radical Islamic jihadists are systemically murdering and beheading Christians, Jews, and even Muslims who do not pledge fealty to ISIS’s religious tenets. Hundreds of years ago, church authorities and Aristotelian acolytes imprisoned Galileo for having the audacity to reject geocentrism in favor of heliocentrism. The bible recounts how Christians were persecuted and stoned, and Jesus himself was crucified for contradicting the religious dogma of the day.

You will bow to the religious zealots, or you will pay the price.

Which brings us to l’affaire de Tyson. Neil Tyson, a prominent popularizer of science (he even has his own television show) was recently found to have repeatedly fabricated multiple quotes over several years. The fabrications were not a one-off thing. They were deliberate and calculated, crafted with one goal in mind: to elevate Tyson, and by extension his audience, at the expense of know-nothing, knuckle-dragging nutjobs who hate science. Tyson targeted journalists, members of Congress, even former President George W. Bush. And what was their crime? They were guilty of rejecting science, according to Tyson.

There’s only one problem. None of the straw man quotes that Tyson uses to tear them down are real. The quote about the numerically illiterate newspaper headline? Fabricated. The quote about a member of Congress who said he had changed his views 360 degrees? It doesn’t exist. That time a U.S. president said “Our God is the God who named the stars” as a way of dividing Judeo-Christian beliefs from Islamic beliefs? It never happened.

Schadenfreude. You should try some.

A man who will lie about the little things has no trouble lying about the big.

Headlines that make me LOL



DENVER (AP) — Tired of Cheech & Chong pot jokes and ominous anti-drug campaigns, the marijuana industry and activists are starting an ad blitz in Colorado aimed at promoting moderation and the safe consumption of pot.

To get their message across, they are skewering some of the old Drug War-era ads that focused on the fears of marijuana, including the famous “This is your brain on drugs” fried-egg ad from the 1980s.

They are planning posters, brochures, billboards and magazine ads to caution consumers to use the drug responsibly and warn tourists and first-timers about the potential to get sick from accidentally eating too much medical-grade pot.

Folks, in my day I pretty much smoked up Mexico and parts of Hawaii, so I do know of what I speak. And I was a Stoner. No ifs, ands, or buts. I smoked reefer; I was a Stoner. And damn proud of it.

And, ya know what? I listened to music, stoned. I drove my car, stoned. I went to concerts and ballgames, stoned. That was my intention. I smoked dope so I could do those things. I’m not sure I or my friends ever reached the Cheech & Chong stage but we came close, and face it, that was all exaggerated for effect anyway.

Call me a pollyanna, but Ima thinkin’ this whole “change the image of the stoner” thing is doomed from the start… by the way, have you seen that bag of Cheetos anywhere?

What were we talking about?