Drawing the line

It looks like we’re close to rolling out the guillotines, folks.

the_reign_of_terrorVox Day has some commentary:

And now Mozilla is out a perfectly good CTO, Eich has been humiliated and is unemployed, the left-wing lunatics have been encouraged by successfully taking a scalp, and every Christian and conservative in corporate America now knows that it is purge or be purged time. (Don’t forget, small business owners, it is legal under federal law to fire an employee for his Democratic Party affiliations.) All because the Mozilla board did not know its internal candidate well enough to realize that he lacked the backbone to be a CEO-caliber leader.

If you are, like I am, upset that the LGBT crowd has taken another scalp– Branden Eich of Mozilla, who invented Javascript- then there is a small way you can express your displeasure. Stop using Firefox. A good alternative is Pale Moon– it is a fork off the Mozilla project but is completely independent of them.

In the late Ming Dynasty in China, the eunuchs took over. No nastier bunch in world history. We’re starting to live it over again today.

A link, posted without comment

Cop: I’d Love to ‘Bang down Your Door and Come for Your Gun’

How would you feel if a police officer you knew for 20 years told you that if an order were issued to confiscate your guns, he wouldn’t hesitate to “kick your door in”? This was the precisely the experience Connecticut resident, Navy veteran and former firefighter John Cinque had after commenting on his state’s 2013 violation of the Second Amendment.

The law in question criminalizes the sale of magazines holding more than 10 rounds and also certain semi-automatic rifles, and mandates that all grandfathered weapons and magazines must be registered with the state. As for Cinque and the exchange with his “old friend” — Branford Police Officer Joseph Peterson — which occurred on Facebook, Mikael Thalen at Infowars.com writes:

“I’ve had contact with a police officer in my home town, I live in Branford, and his words straight out were, ‘I cannot wait to get the order to kick your door in,’” Cinque said.

…In multiple [Facebook] screenshots captured from the lengthy conversation, Peterson continually argued that law enforcement were not obligated to defy unconstitutional laws. Instead, Peterson stated that he would follow any order given, even if it meant confiscating firearms from close friends.

And to a poster named Cameron Smith, Peterson said, “I give my left n** to bang down your door and come for your gun.”

via The Woodpile Report


Can I call ’em or what?

I was afraid that Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s ‘Cosmos’ was going to be less about science and space and the neat stuff that the original series enthralled me with, and more about PC thought; turns out I was right. It is more important to the Left to beat the drum of their anti-Christian scientism than it is to report fact. From a post at Patheos

When my friend Tony Rossi posted about the cartoon about the life of Giordano Bruno that was inexplicably shoehorned into the reboot of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos series,  he received a number of negative comments. Tony had asked a few of us with a background in Church history what we thought before he wrote his post, and I told him that Bruno was emphatically not a martyr for science for the very simple reason that he was not a scientist, and that his ideas of heliocentrism and the infinite universe had little to do with his execution for heresy.

This morning, I watched the cartoon in question and took some notes. Let’s walk through what it gets right and what it gets wrong.

I’m actually not going to draw from any exotic sources for this post. I’m going to try confine what I include here only to things that can be found on the first page of a Google search for Giordano Bruno. This will illustrate more clearly the rank intellectual dishonesty involved in this segment. The truth of the story was never more than five minutes away from host Neil DeGrasse Tyson and his writers, producers, and animators. They opted to tell half-truths and outright lies instead.

5This is not about education- It is propaganda. RTWT here; via the morons at AOSHQ

You aren’t paranoid enough

Somewhere in the burning pits of Hell, J. Edgar is smiling-

This week’s This American Life is an entire hour devoted to investigating the FBI’s killing of Ibragim Todashev todashev1along with a companion piece in Boston Magazine. You probably heard about the basics of the Todashev story. Todashev was a friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older of the two brothers implicated in the Boston Marathon bombings (and the one who was killed when law enforcement tried to capture them), who was being interviewed by the FBI and was then shot multiple times and killed — with a whole variety of conflicting stories coming out soon after as to what he did to lead to his death. One of the key stories was that Todashev had just admitted to participating, with Tsarnaev, in a grisly triple homicide outside of Boston a year and half earlier, and then supposedly lunged at the FBI agents (there were a variety of different reports, each claiming he had some kind of weapon, but each time the report differed on what kind of weapon). But reporter Susan Zalkind, who had been friendly with one of the 3 men killed back in 2011, which Todashev supposedly confessed to taking part in, decided to explore the story more deeply, and found a variety of oddities at every turn, nearly all of which involve strange moves by the FBI.todashev2

How The FBI Has Been Working Hard To Deport Friends Of Guy They Killed During Interview About Boston Bombing

One hopes it is only incompetence that is being covered up. One suspects it is much, much more.

via Glenn

Why Bad Vlad should scare the pants off you

He sings a seductive song, for all the wrong reasons:

“Today, many nations are revising their moral values and ethical norms, eroding ethnic traditions and differences between peoples and cultures. Society is now required not only to recognize everyone’s right to the freedom of consciousness, political views and privacy, but also to accept without question the equality of good and evil, strange as it seems, concepts that are opposite in meaning. Sunglass VladThis destruction of traditional values from above not only leads to negative consequences for society, but is also essentially anti-democratic, since it is carried out on the basis of abstract, speculative ideas, contrary to the will of the majority, which does not accept the changes occurring or the proposed revision of values.” – Vladimir Putin

Wow, a siren song for the Right in this country, huh? Not so fast…

In the United States, Putin’s right turn has exacerbated old divisions among its conservative intelligentsia. The reaction of some conservatives to Putin’s December speech has been positive, if not affirming. Putin’s call to return to traditional values and scorn for elites who willfully promote “abortion on demand, homosexual marriage, pornography, promiscuity, and the whole panoply of Hollywood values” compelled Pat Buchanan to wonder aloud whether Putin “was one of us?” Writing in The American Conservative, William Lind went so far as to claim that “American conservatives should welcome the resurgence of a conservative Russia.” Such praise for Putin couldn’t more strongly contrast the loathing of other American conservatives. Writing for National Review, the Stanford classicist Victor Davis Hanson compared Putin to Milton’s Satan, arguing that “he winds up existing to warn us in the West of what we are not.” Throughout the Cold War, American conservatives were predictably unified in their ideological stand against communism. Indeed, the Soviets faced few enemies as unyielding as those who shared the views of either Mr. Lind or Mr. Hanson. Evidently, Putin has divined the formula for polarizing his more traditional opponents.

— and that makes him incredibly dangerous. Even the devil can quote scripture…

Some in-depth reading here, via Classical Values

That’s gonna leave a mark

Listen up, you primitive screwheads! This is my Boom-Stick! Before you dare clog the intertubes with your mindless caterwaulings and complaints to your elected officials, heed this warning from Ken White of Popehat!

generic angry politician
NOT David M. Feldman

Look, you pack of sticky-fingered dawdlers, these are busy, busy people, doing important government things that you cannot possibly understand. They don’t have time to be distracted by your email campaigns addressing things you have the gall to think they ought to do, let alone respond to your confused and ill-penned entreaties. So CEASE AND DESIST. Go back to the way things are supposed to be: your leaders do government and you sit there and take it.

Full text here. Take heed, varlets!

Surly Curmudgeons R Us


“Political tags–such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth–are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.”

– Robert A. Heinlein

I like to think of myself as the latter, but perhaps that’s just vanity.

This is what they think of you, folks- in their own words

Listen to it all, folks-

“Toothless, squirrel-eatin’, reactionary homophobes” [giggles]

“Here we have a couple of … atheist science types. How do these two things fit together?”

“You’re thinking of Fox News, which does all those things” [giggle giggle]

“We were initially surprised, but thought it was the next best thing to do, and Fox knew that” [knowing nods all around]

What a vast sense of entitlement and superiority these people have. How kind of them to come down from their high places a bestow upon us the benefit of their superior intellects. I cannot wait, as a toothless Southron mouth-breather, to bask in the reflected glory of their all-encompassing knowledge. Surely my life will never be the same afterwards.

Or not.

Because I have no intention of watching.


I had been looking forward to this show for years. I watched the old Cosmos with Carl Sagan and could not wait for the next installment to come out. Not so with this- they have already told me they consider a vast swath of their audience to be ignorant assholes who should probably be grateful they condescended to share a bit of their inestimable glory with them.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson- fuck you and the horse you rode in on. If there is any justice in the world this show will be a massive failure and reflect poorly on you for the rest of your miserable life.

On the run


After seeing the weather in my former abode in metro Atlanta, I’m reminded that, in fact, I was born in New Jersey and the weather from there appears to be looking for me. Hah! Much further south now, buckaroo, and the Gulf has my back…

Gulf Shores 2