Fred is concerned about America

…and I don’t blame him.

A Nation of Fly Larvae: Obama and Gun Control

I’m going to move to Mexico. I swear I am. Except that I already have. Well, I’m going to move there twice. It’s to get away from Hussein Obama.

Who is this President? How did we get him? Does he have anything in common with me? Is there anything even American about him? He is an African of Islamo-Indonesian culture, deeply hostile to America and white people and ruling with a dictatorial style more like that of Shaka Zulu than Thomas Jefferson.

Yet I confess to a grudging admiration. He, belonging to one of the virile peoples—blacks, Hispanics, and Moslems–has keenly diagnosed the weakness of American society:

There is no one who will say ”No.”

When we finally rouse ourselves (if it’s not too late by then) there’s going to be blood on the ground. Hope ya’ll are ready.

A wise man, that Zman

…as his latest post demonstrates: The Death of Islam


Islam never made it out of the Middle Ages until Western prosperity overflowed its cups and brought material wealth to the Arab world. Even so, Iraq is still a Medieval society equipped with satellite dishes and mobile phones. Their culture, economics and politics remain locked in the amber of a bygone age. Even their revolutionaries sound like extras from a B-movie about the Crusades.

That’s not just a reality we in the West accept. It is a reality that every Muslim from the Arab world faces and grapples with every day. The culture that produced him lost to the culture that confronts him. No one stands in line for the latest Muslim mobile phone. There is no Muslim Silicon Valley. The armies of Allah throw rocks at the space ships and lasers of the infidel. To be a Muslim is to be a loser.

That daily reality is in his pocket when he looks at his cell phone. It is on TV where all the actors wear Western clothes. It is in his house where his sister demands to wear makeup and live on her own, dating men outside the family. Even at mosque he is reminded that he is on the losing side of the fight. He rides a Western made bus or drives a Western made car. He texts his coreligionists on an iPhone, not a Mohammad Phone.

RTWT of course. Our biggest problem may be not getting sucked into the vortex of the inevitable collapse.

Bringing them and their problems over here should not be one of our options.

The Not Ready For Prime Time Military

U.S. ran out of ammo in attack on ISIS trucks

At a Pentagon news conference last Wednesday, reporters wanted to know why American forces did not take out more than 116 trucks. Why not all 300, or something close to that? A U.S. official said the American attackers simply ran out of ammunition.

“There were 300, I think, to begin with, and then you hit 116. Why didn’t you go back?” a reporter asked Operation Inherent Resolve spokesman Col. Steve Warren.

“Frankly, the aircraft expended 24 500-pound bombs, and all of their ammunition,” Warren answered. “So they — they shot everything they had and then they had to go home.”

Pitiful. Shameful. This is where the era of Preznit 3-Putt has gotten us. We will be years, if not generations, digging ourselves out of the hole he and his supporters [spit] have dug.

via Insty